Covered Action Appeal

Appeal C20215-A4

Submitted by Central Delta Water Agency on 03/24/2021.
This is an appeal in response to Lookout Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration And Flood Improvement Project (C20215)

Appeal Status
  • Submitted to Council 3/24/2021
  • Marked Filed 3/24/2021

Appealed Policies

Delta Plan Chapter 2

G P1(b)(3)/Cal. Code Regs., tit. 23, § 5002, subd. (b)(3) - Best Available Science

Delta Plan Chapter 3

WR P1 / Cal. Code Regs., tit. 23, § 5003 - Reduce Reliance on the Delta through Improved Regional Water Self-Reliance

Delta Plan Chapter 4

ER P1 / Cal. Code Regs., tit. 23, § 5005 - Delta Flow Objectives

ER P2 / Cal. Code Regs., tit. 23, § 5006- Restore Habitats at Appropriate Elevations

ER P5 / Cal. Code Regs., tit. 23, § 5009 - Avoid Introductions of and Habitat for Invasive Nonnative Species

Delta Plan Chapter 5

DP P2 / Cal. Code Regs., tit. 23, § 5011 - Respect Local Land Use When Siting Water or Flood Facilities or Restoring Habitats

Delta Plan Chapter 7

RR P1 / Cal. Code Regs., tit. 23, § 5012 - Prioritization of State Investments in Delta Levees and Risk Reduction

All Documents Showing 1-8 of 8 documents

Document TitleCategory/PolicyProcess StepTypeUpload Date
sd leaching fractions study summary.pdf

General Policy - G P1(b)(3) appealparty submittal03/25/2021
uc soil salinity mgmt fact sheet.pdf

General Policy - G P1(b)(3) appealparty submittal03/25/2021
21.10.8 los agency info mtg ppt wq only.pdf

Ecosystem Restoration - ER P1 certification submissionparty submittal03/25/2021
21.10.8 los agency info mtg ppt wq only.pdf

General Policy - G P1(b)(3) appealparty submittal03/25/2021
lookout slough 100-year flood impacts.pdf

Risk Reduction - RR P1 appealparty submittal03/25/2021
21.2.11 cdwa ltr prop 1 funds att g-k.pdf

Risk Reduction - RR P1 appealparty submittal03/24/2021
21.2.11 cdwa ltr prop 1 funds w att a-f.pdf

Risk Reduction - RR P1 appealparty submittal03/24/2021

Ecosystem Restoration - ER P5 appealparty submittal03/24/2021