Covered Action Certification

Tule Red Tidal Restoration Project (C20161)

Submitted by State and Federal Water Contractors Agency (SFCWA) on 05/05/2016.
The public review and appeal period begins 5/5/2016 through 6/6/2016

Certification Status
  • Public Review of Certification 5/5/2016
  • Covered Action Not Appealed 6/5/2016


There are no appeals for this certification of consistency.

All Documents Showing 1-10 of 34 documents

Document TitleCategory/PolicyProcess StepTypeUpload Date
ceqa_addendum-tule red.pdf

Delta as a Place - DP P2   05/06/2016
tule red ammp draft 3-01-2016.pdf

Ecosystem Restoration - ER P5   05/06/2016
app. b_tulered ecs and mms.pdf

Ecosystem Restoration - ER P5   05/06/2016
ceqa_addendum-tule red.pdf

Ecosystem Restoration - ER P5   05/06/2016
ceqa_addendum-tule red.pdf

Ecosystem Restoration - ER P3   05/06/2016
ceqa_addendum-tule red.pdf

Ecosystem Restoration - ER P2   05/06/2016
app. d.2_basis of design_30nov2015.pdf

Ecosystem Restoration - ER P2   05/06/2016
frpa implementation_strategy.pdf

General Policy - G P1(b)(4)   05/06/2016
tule red - detailed findings_4-29-2016 final....

General Policy - G P1(b)(4)   05/06/2016
tule red ammp draft 3-01-2016.pdf

General Policy - G P1(b)(4)   05/06/2016